Processing services offered include pregnancy diagnosis, vaccination, deworming, dehorning, and castration; and are tailored to your herd’s needs.

Pregnancy Diagnosis: We offer ultrasound reproductive exams by appointment as required. Reproductive exams provide estimation of age of pregnancy, as well as identification of open cows for re-breeding or culling to reduce over-wintering feed costs.  Ultrasound allows for accurate detection of pregnancy at 27-28 days and fetal sexing at 60-90 days bred.

Vaccination & Deworming: We will tailor a deworming and vaccination program to meet your herd’s needs based on the specific risks present on the farm.

Dehorning: To minimize pain and stress, local freezing and an anti-inflammatory are administered at the time of dehorning.

Castration: Banding, Burdizzo, and surgical methods of castration are available.  An anti-inflammatory and tetanus vaccine are administered at the time of castration for pain control and prevention of tetanus.


One in five bulls are subfertile. Many cow-calf operations in Southwestern Ontario only have one bull, and therefore detecting infertility prior to the breeding season prevents economic losses and frustration at preg-check time or during the calving season. A breeding soundness exam includes the examination of the bull’s feet and legs, eyes, testicular size, and semen quality.

Feet & Legs: Good conformation and comfort allows the bull to successfully mount throughout the breeding season, as well as pass on desired conformational traits to the next generation.

Testicle Size: This correlates with semen quality and speed to puberty of the next generation. Each breed has recommended ranges for testicle size.

Semen Quality: Using an electroejaculator unit, we collect semen for microscopic examination of sperm count, morphology, motility.


Upper Grand Vets offers 24/7 emergency service to current patients, with a veterinarian always available via live answering service.  Our veterinarians offer phone consultation and immediate on-farm treatment.  If you have any questions at all, please contact us at 519-767-9191.


Our veterinarians are CFIA-accredited for cattle exportation. Please contact the clinic for further information.

Contact Us


7707 Mill Rd., Guelph ON N1H 6J1
7643 ON-6, Arthur, ON N0G 1A0
1139 Settlers Rd., Sheffield ON L0R 1Z0

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